Friday, 21 October 2016

Nga Whakaaro O Te Wiki 2

Google Maps
This week we have been doing stuff on google maps and the teacher made up one for us about camp so we could go on it and do some work and answer some questions about camp.

Te Whare iti 
we made up a model of a tiny house we had a squared paper  and we all had the same sized paper and we had to make a small and liveable house.

We have been doing work with this squared paper and we had to pick a shape or a letter and rotate it reflect it and translate it. 

Monday, 10 October 2016

Nga Whakaaro O Te Wiki 6


For this week we have been working on trees for the art soiree we are using pastels and warm and cold colours


This week in maths we made geometry shapes and wrote down who many edges , faces and  corners they had .