Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Friday, 21 October 2016

Nga Whakaaro O Te Wiki 2

Google Maps
This week we have been doing stuff on google maps and the teacher made up one for us about camp so we could go on it and do some work and answer some questions about camp.

Te Whare iti 
we made up a model of a tiny house we had a squared paper  and we all had the same sized paper and we had to make a small and liveable house.

We have been doing work with this squared paper and we had to pick a shape or a letter and rotate it reflect it and translate it. 

Monday, 10 October 2016

Nga Whakaaro O Te Wiki 6


For this week we have been working on trees for the art soiree we are using pastels and warm and cold colours


This week in maths we made geometry shapes and wrote down who many edges , faces and  corners they had . 

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Nga Whakaaro O Te Wiki 8


This week for my DLO I did great barrier reef in we had to put 2 videos, 5 pictures and 10 facts


For maths we did geometry shapes. We had to make them and then find out how many corners ,edges and faces they have.

Monday, 29 August 2016

Meeting What Now

OMG !!!

On Wednesday we got to meet What Now and Springfield school we went to the train station .
It was so exciting when we saw them on the train and they were waving out to us we waved back of course. When they got off the train our Kapa Haka performed the Haka {Ruaumoko}to What Now and Springfield school. After that Te Ora and I gave them a present and they gave us a hug my face went so red and then we got gunge. Te Ora got her gunge from Bianca and I got mine from Chris. Springfield school gave everyone else in our Kapa Haka group gunge. On Sunday we were on tv. It was so funny seeing my face when I got hugged.

Monday, 20 June 2016

Nga Whakaaro O Te Wiki 7

We learnt to use a website called bubble that can create a brainstorm for our ideas.

I learnt how to do zentangle.A zentangle is a shape and you draw all different designs in it.

Matariki Cupcakes
We made matariki cupcake we decorated them with icing and sprinkles and made the into star shape.

Monday, 13 June 2016

Nga Whakaaro O Te Wiki 6


This week we learnt a new waiata called Ka Mau Te Wehi and Actions with it.The song was about showing respect .


This week we learnt how to use a spreadsheet.It when we typed in numbers and it tally it up for us.


This week we went up to room 10 and there were people from shanty town waiting there they gave us a costume that we had to wear we did a show about trading to show them.we learnt about trading before we had money.

Nga Whakaaro Wiki O Te Wiki 5


This we got interest on banqer. As a class we had to decide what  sort of interest we got  our interest is 10 % but were not aloud to take any money out of our savings or we will get $100 dollars taken of us.

This week in pobble we got a picture to out of the month of january or february i picked one out of february 

Monday, 30 May 2016

Nga Whakaaro O Te Wiki 4

This week we have been playing an app called kahoot .Whaea Katie she gave us a code and we typed It In the It asks for a nickname.Then It say your In and you have to wait till everyone Is In then Whaea katie presses start  It comes up with a quiz It on the interactive whiteboard It comes up with the question and It has four box and they are all different colors and have a shape at the top of it on your chrome book it has the the the four boxes and then you pick the one you think It Is.It Is really fun and It gives you points  and shows you the top five who Is In the lead.We are learning to practice our numbers and colors in Maori.

This week In writing i have been working on my It must be magic.Whaea Katie showed us an app called pobble365 It gives you a story for each day of the year.We are learning to Create text to  entertain the reader

I learnt how to do stop motion for my stop motion I did a thanks for kiwibank for sponsoring us for the app banker .

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Week 2 & 3 reflection

Mahi Toi
I learning how to make a 3D hand this is what our hand art will look like when they are finished
Image result for 3d hand art

On banquer we bought a house

Te Ora and I finished our animal airlines and we got all the animals we needed and we gave them all jobs. We also had to justify them for the reason we thought they would be good for the job.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Week One Reflection

I learnt how to borrow through zeros. I learnt that If a zero comes up you have to borrow from the number in front.

Visual Mihi
I am learning to say my visual mihi In front of the class during mihi time.

Mahi Toi
I'm learning  how to blend my colours.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Had an amazing holiday. We stopped at two ports in Fiji and two ports in Tonga .My favorite part was snorkeling  :)

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Miss Panther came in and taught us about about a life cycle of a blogger

Monday, 21 March 2016

10 lies about me

Ten lies about me

  1. I have freckles because when I was little I was playing in the mud and  bits of mud splattered on my my face and it stained.

  1. I've long legs because when I live on a farm and step in manure to keep my feet warm and mature is fertilizer to make things to grow.

  1. I have brown hair because when I was in my mum tummy she drunk lots of coke she got the coke from my grandad coke factory.

  1. I’m skinny because I was walking down the road and a herd of elephants ran away from the circus and they squashed me flat on the ground.

5. I have big feet because my dad worked at the circus as a clown and caught his big feet .

6. I have lots of earrings because I'm a pincushion.

7. My eyes change colour because a scientist made a potion that changes colour and he dropped a drop in my eyes.

8. I'm really bubbly because I ate 2 bottles of bubble mix.

9. I find everything funny because my dad sent me clown college

10. I am a good swimmer because my parents are secretly sharks