Thursday, 24 March 2016

Miss Panther came in and taught us about about a life cycle of a blogger

Monday, 21 March 2016

10 lies about me

Ten lies about me

  1. I have freckles because when I was little I was playing in the mud and  bits of mud splattered on my my face and it stained.

  1. I've long legs because when I live on a farm and step in manure to keep my feet warm and mature is fertilizer to make things to grow.

  1. I have brown hair because when I was in my mum tummy she drunk lots of coke she got the coke from my grandad coke factory.

  1. I’m skinny because I was walking down the road and a herd of elephants ran away from the circus and they squashed me flat on the ground.

5. I have big feet because my dad worked at the circus as a clown and caught his big feet .

6. I have lots of earrings because I'm a pincushion.

7. My eyes change colour because a scientist made a potion that changes colour and he dropped a drop in my eyes.

8. I'm really bubbly because I ate 2 bottles of bubble mix.

9. I find everything funny because my dad sent me clown college

10. I am a good swimmer because my parents are secretly sharks